All content is copyright©
alison shanks |
- 2021 -
Yang Yin is Yin Yang in reverse.
We are in a back to front world at the moment. Everything is out of balance. We are experiencing global warming, the schism in popular opinion and the current pandemic I feel is in part due to abuse of our only world. We are in opposition to nature.
Yang Yin’s face is one original half face print, the other side is the reverse image…a Janus Head…a gateway to a different way of thinking and living. Half of her face is a manufactured manipulated image, the other half is eroded by misinformation and half truths.
She is tattooed with fragments of our eroding environment. Her body is smothered with broken plant life. The black and white colours of her body are a lopsided unbalanced Yin Yang. She is lost and withdrawn into herself. Self-hugging, self-protecting and shrunken.
The Satellite pieces are the beginning of a new theme to my work. An investigation into surveillance and Facial Recognition technology.